The Glais approach to ‘Curriculum for Wales’
School Vision
We believe that to get the best out of all our learners (and that includes staff) we have to offer rich and exciting experiences.
We are committed to developing a curriculum which engages, enthuses and inspires our pupils and staff.
We encourage teachers to have the freedom to teach in ways they feel will have the best outcomes for their learners.
We have a strong emphasis on the acquisition and application of skills and knowledge through experiential and active learning.
We want to place the emphasis on equipping young people for life.
We are committed to providing our pupils with opportunities to learn new skills and apply their knowledge positively and creatively.
How do we achieve this? What works best for Glais children?
- A whole school topic/theme will underpin all teaching and learning. The topic/theme will be pupil influenced and will allow staff to plan for progression.
- Each topic/theme will be linked to a specific AoLE e.g Rise of the Machines (Science and Technology), Glais, Glaciers and Garth (Humanities), My Body, My Mind and Me (Health and Well Being), Use your Voice (Language, Literacy and Communication)
- Every theme/topic will have a ‘Launch Day’ where children are enthused by the topic/theme and start it with an authentic real life learning experience. This feeds into pupil voice and allows pupils to influence what they’d like to learn.
- Staff have a renewed focus on developing the 12 Pedagogical Principles
- Quality literacy and numeracy teaching and learning may sometimes be explicit teaching but will often be part of the theme/topic.
- Outdoor learning experiences will play an integral role in enriching teaching and learning across our curriculum. Regular opportunities to learn outdoors aim to develop our learners’ resilience, communication, problem solving, creativity and team work as well as an appreciation of the natural world.