Welcome to our website

Glais Primary School

A Bridge to Our Success


Wishing all of you visiting our website a warm welcome to our amazing school.

Welcome to Glais Primary School where every decision is based on the best interests of the children, we will always put the children first.

The children are kind and considerate, they always take an interest in each other, care for each other, are affectionate and love learning. They respect each other and all adults.

The children ARE the curriculum. We plan and teach high quality learning experiences to interest our children and community, our learning is relevant to us. The curriculum is bespoke to our children, it is engaging and collaborative.

Glais is a small, semi - rural village school which celebrates diversity of the wider Swansea area. We are fortunate to be located in a beautiful valley overlooking Glais mountain and near Nant – Y – Pal stream

Now, more than ever, communication is the key. If you have a child at the school, it is very important you stay connected with us, not only so you have current information but also, so you stay connected to see your child’s learning. Please download and log into Seesaw to stay connected to the school and your child’s learning.

Please email/call the school if you need further information using the information from contact details on the ‘About Us’ tab.


Kind regards,

Mrs T. Davies

